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Governance and Digitization: Impact on Female Labor Participation in OECD

Governance and Digitization: Impact on Female Labor Participation in OECD
  • Event Location
    Teoman Duralı Conference Hall
  • Activity Start
    2025-03-07 14:30
  • Activity End
    2025-03-07 15:30
  • This event has ended. Thank you for your attention.

The Department of Economics will organize an event titled “Governance and Digitization: Impact on Female Labor Participation in OECD”. The event will feature PhD Student Shehzade Ghulam Abbas as the speaker, with our faculty members Prof. Hasan Vergil, Prof. Muhittin Kaplan, and Assist Prof. Asad ul Islam Khan serving as moderators. The event will take place on Friday, March 7th at 14:30 in the Teoman Duralı Conference Hall.