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IHU Economics Seminars

IHU Economics Seminars
  • Event Location
    Teoman Duralı Conference Hall
  • Activity Start
    2023-12-15 14:30
  • Activity End
    2023-12-15 16:30
  • This event has ended. Thank you for your attention.

The Department of Economics continues its "IHU Economics Seminars" series. Our MA student Musa Shemsu Yaekob's first topic titled "The Impact of Domestically Generated Income on Public Expenditures: The Case of Ethiopia" on the first topic, MA student Bashir Dan-Inna on the second topic "The Impact of Digital Currency Transactions" and MA student Seerat Hussain Hussain on "Public Expenditure and its Impact on Economic Growth: A Case Study for Pakistan" will be held on Friday, December 15th between 14.30 - 16.30 at Teoman Duralı Conference Hall.