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IHU Economic Seminar Series' Project Proposal Brainstorming Edition

IHU Economic Seminar Series' Project Proposal Brainstorming Edition
  • Event Location
    Teoman Duralı Conference Hall
  • Activity Start
    2023-10-20 14:30
  • Activity End
    2023-10-20 16:30
  • This event has ended. Thank you for your attention.

The Department of Economics will be holding a special brainstorming session as part of the IHU economic seminar series to brainstorm on Erasmus+, and academic research projects proposals. It is going to be an open session with students and faculty suggesting project themes and examining the suitability of suggested projects. This will afford students and faculty the opportunity to partner with likeminded people in initiating and executing projects of mutual interest with the moderation of Prof. Muhittin Kaplan, Prof. Hasan Vergil and Dr. Asad Ul Islam Khan from our department. The event will take placeon 20 October Friday, 14.30 to 16.30 at Teoman Duralı Conference Hall.